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Division of Thin Film Technologies

Sonata NCN project

Financial support

This work was financed from the sources given by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) as a research project SONATA No. UMO-2020/39/D/ST5/00424 in the years 2021–2025.

Project information

The project concerns the analysis of optically active properties of thin-film coatings with a gasochromic effect. This type of coating is already used in the construction of the so-called intelligent windows, in which there is a possibility of predictable and repeatable control of the amount of transmitted or reflected light using a specific gaseous medium (e.g. hydrogen) or steam (e.g. selected organic compounds). Another example of the use of such thin films is the possibility of using the gasochromic effect to construct an optical sensor of selected gases. Such sensors could be used in the future wherever the supply of electrical signals is difficult or could cause, for example, a hazard in the event of explosive gas mixtures. The basis for designing such intelligent devices is the knowledge of the course and changes in the characteristics of the complex refractive index under the influence of a specific atmosphere. However, at present, in the current state of knowledge, there is no model that would allow explaining the mechanisms of changing optical properties and linking the changes in optical properties observed in gasochromic materials with the process of interaction of selected gases (or vapor). Therefore, the aim of the project is to conduct a comprehensive analysis that will be used to develop an analytical model for the design of such intelligent optically active coatings.


  1. Michał Mazur, Wiktoria Weichbrodt, Paulina Kapuścik, Jarosław Domaradzki, Piotr Mazur, Enhancement of gasochromic response to hydrogen of WO3 thin film by post-process modification and catalyst selection, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 79 (2024) 802-813, 
  2. Michał Mazur, Jarosław Domaradzki, Tomasz Jędrzejak, Damian Wojcieszak, Coloration mechanism in gasochromic thin films through the analysis of a complex refractive index, Applied Optics 62(7) (2023) B156-B163, 
  3. Michał Mazur, Paulina Kapuścik, Wiktoria Weichbrodt, Jarosław Domaradzki, Piotr Mazur, Małgorzata Kot, Jan Ingo Flege, WO3 thin-film optical gas sensors based on gasochromic effect towards low hydrogen concentrations, Materials 16 (2023) 3831, 
  4. Julia Dybała, Michał Mazur, Właściwości elektryczne i optyczne cienkich warstw WOx wytwarzanych metodą rozpylania magnetronowego i analiza ich współczynnika doskonałości, Biuletyn WAT LXXI(2) (2022) 15-25, 
  5. Artur Wiatrowski, Damian Wojcieszak, Michał Mazur, Danuta Kaczmarek, Jarosław Domaradzki, Małgorzata Kalisz, Wojciech Kijaszek, Patrycja Pokora, Ewa Mańkowska, Aneta Lubańska, Malwina Sikora, Photocatalytic coatings based on TiOx for application on flexible glass for photovoltaic panels, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2022) 1-11, 
  6. Michał Mazur, Aneta Lubańska, Jarosław Domaradzki, Damian Wojcieszak, Complex research on amorphous vanadium oxide thin films deposited by gas impulse magnetron sputtering, Applied Sciences 12(18) (2022) 8966, 
  7. Michał Mazur, Szymon Kiełczawa, Jarosław Domaradzki, Effect of annealing on the microstructure, opto-electronic and hydrogen sensing properties of V2O5 thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering, Coatings 12 (2022) 1885, 


  1. Optimization of the gasochromic response to hydrogen of WO3 thin films deposited by PVD technique with possible application in optical gas sensors, Singapore, The 10th International Conference On Technological Advances Of Thin Films and Surface Coatings, 15-19.07.2024 – oral presentation: Michał Mazur;
  2. Selected methods of modifying the gasochromic properties of WO3 thin films, Barcelona, Spain, 15th International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials NANOSMAT202, 7-11.07.2024 - oral presentation: Wiktoria Weichbrodt;
  3. Gasochromic phenomenon in metal oxide thin films based on the comprehensive analysis of the optical studies, Wrocław, Poland, 17th International Conference on Optical Sensors and Electronic Sensors COE’2024, 24-26.06.2024 – oral presentation: Michał Mazur;
  4. Wpływ temperatury wygrzewania na morfologię powierzchni, właściwości strukturalne, optyczne i gazochromowe cienkich warstw tlenków wolframu wytworzonych metodą parowania wiązką elektronową, Ryn, Poland, ELTE’2023 Electron Technology, 18-21.06.2023 – wystąpienie plakatowe: Michał Mazur;
  5. Investigation of gasochromic properties of WO3 thin films based on the analysis of the complex refractive index, Whister, Canada, Optical Interference Coatings, 19-24.06.2022 – oral and poster presentation: Michał Mazur;

Invited lectures

  1. “Selected research on transition metal oxide thin films for various applications”, Michał Mazur, Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering Division Seminar, University of Glasgow, Great Britain, 22.02.2024
  2. “Thin film gas snesors”, Michał Mazur, Summer School: Characterization of micro- and nano-materials 2023 – Sensors and sensor materials, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany, 13.09.2023
Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025